Shipment Tracking Information

Give us more information on your order that is on its way to our warehouse.
Your Name(Required)
Your Email Address(Required)
Please choose the warehouse you have shipped your order to.
Tracking Information(Required)
Merchant/Website Name
Tracking Number
Example: Merchant/Website Name: Carrier: FedEx/UPS/USPS/Hermes/Royal Mail/China Post. Tracking Number - 1ZX0796X0395176026. If you have made multiple orders from different websites, please click the (+) sign to add more tracking numbers for each order/purchase. Note: Please check for your tracking number in your email after the seller has confirmed your order as being shipped.
Shipping Instructions (Please Choose One)(Required)
Note: If you have placed multiple orders and you choose OPTION 1, you will be charged for each package that is delivered in Nairobi.
Max. file size: 1 GB.
If you have an excel sheet or MS word with the list of tracking numbers, upload it here.
Please add any other special request here pertaining to your order/purchase.